ICIP '01 and Thessaloniki, Mt. Olymp, Meteora

ICIP '01

conference dinner, folk dance conference dinner, folk dance
Karen Su presenting
yes! we have been there...
me answering poster questions poster presentation


market halls market
dead bunnies pieces of meat
waste in the harbour The White Tower
on strike (tourist info wasn't very helpful)
Olives Snoopy Clinic
last sampling of Greek food at the beach


Dion, Isis temple Dion, Isis temple
ancient toilets crawling
Dion and Mt. Olymp in the background statue Andreasos
me jumping over historic Dion

Mt. Olymp

the old monastry lighting a candle for the old monastry
Feta cheese some icons
me with crappy map
Andreas above the clouds Andreas on top with banana
summit summits
way down way to Mt. Olymp
Mt. Olymp peak of Mt. Olymp
on the way scenic valley near Preonia
brushing teeth at refuge in the mist
me on top me sitting near the peak of Mt. Olymp


car, Andreas, and monastry
Meteora landscape
monastry monastry
monastry Rossanau
big cask me at Meteora
Kloster Kloster
Poster-presentation am Strand Poster
Wolken-Produktion getarnte Klöster

Peter Meerwald, pmeerw@cosy.sbg.ac.at