comparison intercom/linux/.nedit @ 2:13be24d74cd2

import intercom-0.4.1
author Peter Meerwald <>
date Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:57:52 +0200
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:9cadc470e3da 2:13be24d74cd2
1 ! Preferences file for NEdit
2 !
3 ! This file is overwritten by the "Save Defaults..." command in NEdit
4 ! and serves only the interactively settable options presented in the NEdit
5 ! "Preferences" menu. To modify other options, such as background colors
6 ! and key bindings, use the .Xdefaults file in your home directory (or
7 ! the X resource specification method appropriate to your system). The
8 ! contents of this file can be moved into an X resource file, but since
9 ! resources in this file override their corresponding X resources, either
10 ! this file should be deleted or individual resource lines in the file
11 ! should be deleted for the moved lines to take effect.
13 nedit.fileVersion: 5.3
14 nedit.shellCommands: \
15 spell:Alt+B:s:EX:\n\
16 cat>spellTmp; xterm -e ispell -x spellTmp; cat spellTmp; rm spellTmp\n\
17 wc::w:ED:\n\
18 set wc=`wc`; echo $wc[1] "lines," $wc[2] "words," $wc[3] "characters"\n\
19 sort::o:EX:\n\
20 sort\n\
21 number lines::n:AW:\n\
22 nl -ba\n\
23 make:Alt+Z:m:W:\n\
24 make\n\
25 expand::p:EX:\n\
26 expand\n\
27 unexpand::u:EX:\n\
28 unexpand\n
29 nedit.macroCommands: \
30 Complete Word:Alt+D::: {\n\
31 # Tuning parameters\n\
32 ScanDistance = 200\n\
33 \n\
34 # Search back to a word boundary to find the word to complete\n\
35 startScan = max(0, $cursor - ScanDistance)\n\
36 endScan = min($text_length, $cursor + ScanDistance)\n\
37 scanString = get_range(startScan, endScan)\n\
38 keyEnd = $cursor-startScan\n\
39 keyStart = search_string(scanString, "<", keyEnd, "backward", "regex")\n\
40 if (keyStart == -1)\n\
41 return\n\
42 keyString = "<" substring(scanString, keyStart, keyEnd)\n\
43 \n\
44 # search both forward and backward from the cursor position. Note that\n\
45 # using a regex search can lead to incorrect results if any of the special\n\
46 # regex characters is encountered, which is not considered a delimiter\n\
47 backwardSearchResult = search_string(scanString, keyString, keyStart-1, \\\n\
48 "backward", "regex")\n\
49 forwardSearchResult = search_string(scanString, keyString, keyEnd, "regex")\n\
50 if (backwardSearchResult == -1 && forwardSearchResult == -1) {\n\
51 beep()\n\
52 return\n\
53 }\n\
54 \n\
55 # if only one direction matched, use that, otherwise use the nearest\n\
56 if (backwardSearchResult == -1)\n\
57 matchStart = forwardSearchResult\n\
58 else if (forwardSearchResult == -1)\n\
59 matchStart = backwardSearchResult\n\
60 else {\n\
61 if (keyStart - backwardSearchResult <= forwardSearchResult - keyEnd)\n\
62 matchStart = backwardSearchResult\n\
63 else\n\
64 matchStart = forwardSearchResult\n\
65 }\n\
66 \n\
67 # find the complete word\n\
68 matchEnd = search_string(scanString, ">", matchStart, "regex")\n\
69 completedWord = substring(scanString, matchStart, matchEnd)\n\
70 \n\
71 # replace it in the window\n\
72 replace_range(startScan + keyStart, $cursor, completedWord)\n\
73 }\n\
74 Fill Sel. w/Char:::R: {\n\
75 if ($selection_start == -1) {\n\
76 beep()\n\
77 return\n\
78 }\n\
79 \n\
80 # Ask the user what character to fill with\n\
81 fillChar = string_dialog("Fill selection with what character?", "OK", "Cancel")\n\
82 if ($string_dialog_button == 2 || $string_dialog_button == 0)\n\
83 return\n\
84 \n\
85 # Count the number of lines in the selection\n\
86 nLines = 0\n\
87 for (i=$selection_start; i<$selection_end; i++)\n\
88 if (get_character(i) == "\\n")\n\
89 nLines++\n\
90 \n\
91 # Create the fill text\n\
92 rectangular = $selection_left != -1\n\
93 line = ""\n\
94 fillText = ""\n\
95 if (rectangular) {\n\
96 for (i=0; i<$selection_right-$selection_left; i++)\n\
97 line = line fillChar\n\
98 for (i=0; i<nLines; i++)\n\
99 fillText = fillText line "\\n"\n\
100 fillText = fillText line\n\
101 } else {\n\
102 if (nLines == 0) {\n\
103 for (i=$selection_start; i<$selection_end; i++)\n\
104 fillText = fillText fillChar\n\
105 } else {\n\
106 startIndent = 0\n\
107 for (i=$selection_start-1; i>=0 && get_character(i)!="\\n"; i--)\n\
108 startIndent++\n\
109 for (i=0; i<$wrap_margin-startIndent; i++)\n\
110 fillText = fillText fillChar\n\
111 fillText = fillText "\\n"\n\
112 for (i=0; i<$wrap_margin; i++)\n\
113 line = line fillChar\n\
114 for (i=0; i<nLines-1; i++)\n\
115 fillText = fillText line "\\n"\n\
116 for (i=$selection_end-1; i>=$selection_start && get_character(i)!="\\n"; \\\n\
117 i--)\n\
118 fillText = fillText fillChar\n\
119 }\n\
120 }\n\
121 \n\
122 # Replace the selection with the fill text\n\
123 replace_selection(fillText)\n\
124 }\n\
125 Quote Mail Reply:::: {\n\
126 if ($selection_start == -1)\n\
127 replace_all("^.*$", "\\\\> &", "regex")\n\
128 else\n\
129 replace_in_selection("^.*$", "\\\\> &", "regex")\n\
130 }\n\
131 Unquote Mail Reply:::: {\n\
132 if ($selection_start == -1)\n\
133 replace_all("(^\\\\> )(.*)$", "\\\\2", "regex")\n\
134 else\n\
135 replace_in_selection("(^\\\\> )(.*)$", "\\\\2", "regex")\n\
136 }\n\
137 C Comments>Comment Out Sel.@C@C++:::R: {\n\
138 selStart = $selection_start\n\
139 selEnd = $selection_end\n\
140 replace_range(selStart, selEnd, "/* " get_selection() " */")\n\
141 select(selStart, selEnd + 6)\n\
142 }\n\
143 C Comments>C Uncomment Sel.@C@C++:::R: {\n\
144 sel = get_selection()\n\
145 selStart = $selection_start\n\
146 selEnd = $selection_end\n\
147 commentStart = search_string(sel, "/*", 0)\n\
148 if (substring(sel, commentStart+2, commentStart+3) == " ")\n\
149 keepStart = commentStart + 3\n\
150 else\n\
151 keepStart = commentStart + 2\n\
152 keepEnd = search_string(sel, "*/", length(sel), "backward")\n\
153 commentEnd = keepEnd + 2\n\
154 if (substring(sel, keepEnd - 1, keepEnd == " "))\n\
155 keepEnd = keepEnd - 1\n\
156 replace_range(selStart + commentStart, selStart + commentEnd, \\\n\
157 substring(sel, keepStart, keepEnd))\n\
158 select(selStart, selEnd - (keepStart-commentStart) - \\\n\
159 (commentEnd - keepEnd))\n\
160 }\n\
161 C Comments>+ C++ Comment@C++:::R: {\n\
162 replace_in_selection("^.*$", "// &", "regex")\n\
163 }\n\
164 C Comments>- C++ Comment@C++:::R: {\n\
165 replace_in_selection("(^[ \\\\t]*// ?)(.*)$", "\\\\2", "regex")\n\
166 }\n\
167 C Comments>+ C Bar Comment 1@C:::R: {\n\
168 if ($selection_left != -1) {\n\
169 dialog("Selection must not be rectangular")\n\
170 return\n\
171 }\n\
172 start = $selection_start\n\
173 end = $selection_end-1\n\
174 origText = get_range($selection_start, $selection_end-1)\n\
175 newText = "/*\\n" replace_in_string(get_range(start, end), \\\n\
176 "^", " * ", "regex") "\\n */\\n"\n\
177 replace_selection(newText)\n\
178 select(start, start + length(newText))\n\
179 }\n\
180 C Comments>- C Bar Comment 1@C:::R: {\n\
181 selStart = $selection_start\n\
182 selEnd = $selection_end\n\
183 newText = get_range(selStart+3, selEnd-4)\n\
184 newText = replace_in_string(newText, "^ \\\\* ", "", "regex")\n\
185 replace_range(selStart, selEnd, newText)\n\
186 select(selStart, selStart + length(newText))\n\
187 }\n\
188 Make C Prototypes@C@C++:::: {\n\
189 if ($selection_start == -1) {\n\
190 start = 0\n\
191 end = $text_length\n\
192 } else {\n\
193 start = $selection_start\n\
194 end = $selection_end\n\
195 }\n\
196 string = get_range(start, end)\n\
197 nDefs = 0\n\
198 searchPos = 0\n\
199 prototypes = ""\n\
200 staticPrototypes = ""\n\
201 for (;;) {\n\
202 headerStart = search_string(string, \\\n\
203 "^[a-zA-Z]([^;#\\"'{}=><!/]|\\n)*\\\\)[ \\t]*\\n?[ \\t]*\\\\{", \\\n\
204 searchPos, "regex")\n\
205 if (headerStart == -1)\n\
206 break\n\
207 headerEnd = search_string(string, ")", $search_end,"backward") + 1\n\
208 prototype = substring(string, headerStart, headerEnd) ";\\n"\n\
209 if (substring(string, headerStart, headerStart+6) == "static")\n\
210 staticPrototypes = staticPrototypes prototype\n\
211 else\n\
212 prototypes = prototypes prototype\n\
213 searchPos = headerEnd\n\
214 nDefs++\n\
215 }\n\
216 if (nDefs == 0) {\n\
217 dialog("No function declarations found")\n\
218 return\n\
219 }\n\
220 new()\n\
221 focus_window("last")\n\
222 replace_range(0, 0, prototypes staticPrototypes)\n\
223 }\n
224 nedit.bgMenuCommands: \
225 Undo:::: {\n\
226 undo()\n\
227 }\n\
228 Redo:::: {\n\
229 redo()\n\
230 }\n\
231 Cut:::R: {\n\
232 cut_clipboard()\n\
233 }\n\
234 Copy:::R: {\n\
235 copy_clipboard()\n\
236 }\n\
237 Paste:::: {\n\
238 paste_clipboard()\n\
239 }\n
240 nedit.highlightPatterns: Ada:Default\n\
241 Awk:Default\n\
242 C++:Default\n\
243 C:Default\n\
244 CSS:Default\n\
245 Csh:Default\n\
246 Fortran:Default\n\
247 Java:Default\n\
248 JavaScript:Default\n\
249 LaTeX:Default\n\
250 Lex:Default\n\
251 Makefile:Default\n\
252 Matlab:Default\n\
253 NEdit Macro:Default\n\
254 Pascal:Default\n\
255 Perl:Default\n\
256 PostScript:Default\n\
257 Python:Default\n\
258 Regex:Default\n\
259 SGML HTML:Default\n\
260 SQL:Default\n\
261 Sh Ksh Bash:Default\n\
262 Tcl:Default\n\
263 VHDL:Default\n\
264 Verilog:Default\n\
265 XML:Default\n\
266 X Resources:Default\n\
267 Yacc:Default
268 nedit.languageModes: Ada:.ada .ad .ads .adb .a::::::\n\
269 Awk:.awk::::::\n\
270 .hh .C .H .i .cxx .hxx .cpp::::::".,/\\`'!|@#%^&*()-=+{}[]"":;<>?~"\n\
271 C:.c .h::::::".,/\\`'!|@#%^&*()-=+{}[]"":;<>?~"\n\
272 CSS:css::Auto:None:::".,/\\`'!|@#%^&*()=+{}[]"":;<>?~"\n\
273 Csh:.csh .cshrc .login .logout:"^[ \\t]*#[ \\t]*![ \\t]*/bin/csh":::::\n\
274 Fortran:.f .f77 .for::::::\n\
276 JavaScript:.js::::::\n\
277 LaTeX:.tex .sty .cls .dtx .ins::::::\n\
278 Lex:.lex::::::\n\
279 Makefile:Makefile makefile .gmk:::None:8:8:\n\
280 Matlab:.m .oct .sci::::::\n\
281 NEdit Macro:.nm .neditmacro::::::\n\
282 Pascal:.pas .p .int::::::\n\
283 .pm .p5 .PL:"^[ \\t]*#[ \\t]*!.*perl":Auto:None:::".,/\\\\`'!$@#%^&*()-=+{}[]"":;<>?~|"\n\
284 .eps .epsf .epsi:"^%!":::::"/%(){}[]<>"\n\
286 Regex:.reg .regex:"\\(\\?[:#=!iInN].+\\)":None:Continuous:::\n\
287 SGML HTML:.sgml .sgm .html .htm:"\\<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]\\>":::::\n\
288 SQL:.sql::::::\n\
289 Sh Ksh .bash .ksh .profile .bashrc .bash_logout .bash_login .bash_profile:"^[ \\t]*#[ \\t]*![ \\t]*/.*bin/(sh|ksh|bash)":::::\n\
290 Tcl:.tcl .tk .itcl .itk::Smart:None:::\n\
291 VHDL:.vhd .vhdl .vdl::::::\n\
292 Verilog:.v::::::\n\
293 XML:.xml .xsl .dtd:"\\<(?i\\?xml|!doctype)"::None:::"<>/=""'()+*?|"\n\
294 X Resources:.Xresources .Xdefaults .nedit:"^[!#].*([Aa]pp|[Xx]).*[Dd]efaults":::::\n\
295 Yacc:.y::::::".,/\\`'!|@#%^&*()-=+{}[]"":;<>?~"
296 nedit.styles: Plain:black:Plain\n\
297 Comment:gray20:Italic\n\
298 Keyword:black:Bold\n\
299 Storage Type:brown:Bold\n\
300 Storage Type1:saddle brown:Bold\n\
301 String:darkGreen:Plain\n\
302 String1:SeaGreen:Plain\n\
303 String2:darkGreen:Bold\n\
304 Preprocessor:RoyalBlue4:Plain\n\
305 Preprocessor1:blue:Plain\n\
306 Character Const:darkGreen:Plain\n\
307 Numeric Const:darkGreen:Plain\n\
308 Identifier:brown:Plain\n\
309 Identifier1:RoyalBlue4:Plain\n\
310 Subroutine:brown:Plain\n\
311 Subroutine1:chocolate:Plain\n\
312 Ada Attributes:plum:Bold\n\
313 Label:red:Italic\n\
314 Flag:red:Bold\n\
315 Text Comment:SteelBlue4:Italic\n\
316 Text Key:VioletRed4:Bold\n\
317 Text Key1:VioletRed4:Plain\n\
318 Text Arg:RoyalBlue4:Bold\n\
319 Text Arg1:SteelBlue4:Bold\n\
320 Text Arg2:RoyalBlue4:Plain\n\
321 Text Escape:gray30:Bold\n\
322 LaTeX Math:darkGreen:Plain\n\
323 Pointer:#660000:Bold\n\
324 Regex:#009944:Bold\n\
325 Warning:brown2:Italic
326 nedit.smartIndentInit: C:Default\n\
327 C++:Default\n\
328 Python:Default\n\
329 Matlab:Default
330 nedit.smartIndentInitCommon: Default
331 nedit.autoWrap: None
332 nedit.wrapMargin: 0
333 nedit.autoIndent: Auto
334 nedit.autoSave: True
335 nedit.saveOldVersion: False
336 nedit.showMatching: Delimiter
337 nedit.matchSyntaxBased: True
338 nedit.highlightSyntax: True
339 nedit.searchDialogs: False
340 nedit.beepOnSearchWrap: False
341 nedit.retainSearchDialogs: True
342 nedit.searchWraps: True
343 nedit.stickyCaseSenseButton: True
344 nedit.repositionDialogs: True
345 nedit.appendLF: True
346 nedit.sortOpenPrevMenu: True
347 nedit.statisticsLine: True
348 nedit.iSearchLine: False
349 nedit.lineNumbers: False
350 nedit.pathInWindowsMenu: True
351 nedit.warnFileMods: True
352 nedit.warnExit: True
353 nedit.searchMethod: Literal
354 nedit.textRows: 40
355 nedit.textCols: 80
356 nedit.tabDistance: 8
357 nedit.emulateTabs: 2
358 nedit.insertTabs: False
359 nedit.textFont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-16
360 nedit.boldHighlightFont: -misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-16
361 nedit.italicHighlightFont: -misc-fixed-medium-o-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-16
362 nedit.boldItalicHighlightFont: -misc-fixed-bold-o-normal--13-120-75-75-c-70-iso8859-16
363 nedit.smartTags: True
364 nedit.prefFileRead: True
365 nedit.titleFormat: {%c} [%s] %f (%S) - %d

Repositories maintained by Peter Meerwald,