diff intercom/g726/cvt_h_b.c @ 2:13be24d74cd2

import intercom-0.4.1
author Peter Meerwald <pmeerw@cosy.sbg.ac.at>
date Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:57:52 +0200 (2010-06-25)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/intercom/g726/cvt_h_b.c	Fri Jun 25 09:57:52 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+        CVT_H_B.C
+        ~~~~~~~~~
+        Program to convert ITU-T test sequences in hexa formats to
+        word oriented binary files. Each line is supposed to have 32 valid
+        samples (16 bit, or a word), or 64 hexa characters, either upper or
+        lower case. In the last line is expected one word (2 hexa chars)
+        in hexadecimal representation as the checksum of all the samples of
+        the file modulus 255 (sum mod 255).
+        USAGE:
+        ~~~~~~
+        $ cvt_h_b [-r] [-q] hex-in bin-out 
+        where:
+        hex-in          is the (input) hexadecimal file's name
+        bin-out         is the (output) binary file's name
+        Options
+        ~~~~~~~
+        -q              Don't print progress indicator on the screen.
+        -r              is an optional parameter; if specified as r or R,
+                        even-bit reversal of all samples is accomplished 
+                        before saving the file. Default is NOT invert.
+        Compile:
+        ~~~~~~~~
+        SunC: cc -o cvt_h_b cvt_h_b.c # or #
+              acc -o cvt_h_b cvt_h_b.c
+        GNUC: gcc -o cvt_h_b cvt_h_b.c
+        VMS:  cc cvt_h_b.c
+              link cvt_h_b
+        History:
+        ~~~~~~~~
+        92.01.22   1.0   1st release by tdsimao@venus.cpqd.ansp.br
+        93.11.23   1.01  ported to SunOS (Unix)
+       =============================================================
+       COPYRIGHT NOTE: This source code, and all of its derivations,
+       is subject to the ITU-T General Public License". Please have
+       it  read  in    the  distribution  disk,   or  in  the  ITU-T
+       Recommendation G.191 on "SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR SPEECH AND  AUDIO
+       =============================================================
+/* OS definition */
+#ifdef __MSDOS__                /* definition for automatic compil. under TurboC v2.0 */
+# define MSDOS                  /* this is already defined for Microsoft C 5.1 */
+/* includes in general */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+/* Specific includes */
+#if defined(MSDOS)              /* for MSDOS */
+#  include <fcntl.h>
+#  include <io.h>
+#  include <sys\stat.h>
+#elif defined(VMS)              /* for VMS */
+#  include <perror.h>
+#  include <file.h>
+#  include <stat.h>
+#else                           /* for OTHER OS, in special UNIX */
+#  include <sys/stat.h>
+/* Generic defines */
+#define askc(m,v) {printf(m); scanf("%c%*c",&v);}
+#define aski(m,v) {printf(m);scanf("%d",&v);}
+#define asks(m,v) {printf(m);gets(v);}
+#define KILL(str,code) {perror(str); exit(code);}
+#define GET_PAR_I(a,s,p,msg,i) {if(a>p) i=atoi(s[p]); else aski(msg,i);}
+#define GET_PAR_C(a,s,p,msg,c) {if(a>p) c=toupper(s[p][0]);else askc(msg,c);}
+#define GET_PAR_S(a,s,p,msg,S) {if(a>p) strcpy(S,s[p]); else asks(msg,S);}
+#if defined(VMS)
+#define WB  "wb","mrs=512","rfm=fix","ctx=stm"
+#define RB  "rb","mrs=512","rfm=fix","ctx=stm"
+#elif defined(MSDOS)
+#define WB  "wb"
+#define RB  "rb"
+#define WB  "w"
+#define RB  "r"
+#define YES 1
+#define NO  0
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * ... Calculate check-sum of a array of shorts ... 
+ *     Simao 07.Mar.94
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+short short_check_sum(s_data, n)
+short *s_data;
+long n;
+  float csum = 0;
+  long i;
+  /* Add samples */
+  while (n)
+    csum += s_data[--n];
+  /* return mod as a short */
+  csum = fmod(csum, 255.0);
+  return ((short) csum);
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * ... Display usage of program ... 
+ *     Simao 10.Jan.93
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#define FP(x) printf(x)
+void display_usage()
+  FP("Version 1.01 of 23/Nov/1993 \n");
+  FP(" CVT_H_B.C:\n");
+  FP(" Program to convert ITU-T test sequences in hexa formats to\n");
+  FP(" word oriented binary files. Each line is supposed to have 32 valid\n");
+  FP(" samples (16 bit, or a word), or 64 hexa characters, either upper or\n");
+  FP(" lower case. In the last line is expected one word (2 hexa chars)\n");
+  FP(" in hexadecimal representation as the checksum of all the samples of\n");
+  FP(" the file modulus 255 (sum mod 255).\n");
+  FP("\n");
+  FP(" Usage:\n");
+  FP(" $ cvt_h_b [-r] hex-in bin-out\n");
+  FP(" where:\n");
+  FP("  hex-in          is the (input) hexadecimal file's name\n");
+  FP("  bin-out         is the (output) binary file's name\n\n");
+  FP(" Options\n");
+  FP("  -q              Don't print progress indicator on the screen\n");
+  FP("  -r              is an optional parameter; if specified as r or R,\n");
+  FP("                  even-bit reversal of all samples is accomplished \n");
+  FP("                  before saving the file. Default is NOT invert.\n");
+  FP("\n");
+  /* Quit program */
+  exit(-128);
+#undef FP
+/* ....................... end of display_usage() ...........................*/
+/*============================== */
+main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+/*============================== */
+  char line[200], *lp;
+  char inpfil[50], outfil[50];
+  int inp, out, itmp, count = 0;
+  float check_sum = 0;
+  short scheck_sum = 0;
+  short chk;
+  short *bin, *tmp;
+  long leng, i, smpno = 0, lineno = 0;
+  int lastline_len = 0;
+  FILE *Fi, *Fo;
+  struct stat st;
+  int invert_even_bits = NO, quiet = NO;
+  static char funny[8] = { '\\', '-', '/', '|', '\\', '-', '/', '|' };
+  if (argc < 2)
+    display_usage();
+  else {
+    while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-')
+      if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0) {
+        /* Reverse even bits */
+        invert_even_bits = YES;
+        /* Move argv over the option to the next argument */
+        argv++;
+        /* Update argc */
+        argc--;
+      } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-q") == 0) {
+        /* Don't print funny chars */
+        quiet = YES;
+        /* Move argv over the option to the next argument */
+        argv++;
+        argc--;
+      } else {
+        fprintf(stderr,
+          "ERROR! Invalid option \"%s\" in command line\n\n", argv[1]);
+        display_usage();
+      }
+  }
+  /* WELCOME! */
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n\t\tConversion from ITU-T HEX of test sequence");
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n\t\tfiles to binary files, 16 bits per sample\n");
+  GET_PAR_S(argc, argv, 1, "_Input (ITU-T HEX) file: ....... ", inpfil);
+  GET_PAR_S(argc, argv, 2, "_Output (`short') file: ........ ", outfil);
+  /* OPEN FILES */
+  if ((Fi = fopen(inpfil, "r")) == NULL)
+    KILL(inpfil, 2);
+  if ((Fo = fopen(outfil, WB)) == NULL)
+    KILL(outfil, 3);
+  out = fileno(Fo);
+  stat(inpfil, &st);
+  if ((bin = (short *) malloc(st.st_size)) == (short *) NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n Can't allocate memory for output buffer");
+    exit(4);
+  }
+  tmp = bin;
+  /* INFOS */
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n  Converting %s to %s\r", inpfil, outfil);
+  while (fgets(line, (int) 200, Fi) != NULL)
+    lineno++;
+  rewind(Fi);
+  lastline_len = strlen(line);
+  if (line[lastline_len - 1] = '\n')
+    lastline_len--;
+  while (fgets(line, (int) 200, Fi) != NULL) {
+    /* Print `working' flag */
+    if (!quiet)
+      fprintf(stderr, "%c\r", funny[count % 8]);
+    /* Update line counter */
+    count++;
+    /* Remove CR from line end */
+    leng = strlen(line);
+    if (line[leng - 1] == '\n')
+      line[--leng] = '\0';
+    /* Convert line */
+    switch (leng) {
+    case 64:
+      for (lp = line, i = 0; i < leng; i += 2, lp += 2) {
+        sscanf(lp, "%2hx", tmp);
+        tmp++;
+        smpno++;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      /* Check whether the last line */
+      if (count != lineno) {
+        /* If not, it's a regular sample */
+        sscanf(lp, "%2hx", tmp);
+        tmp++;
+        smpno++;
+      } else {
+        /* value is check-sum */
+        sscanf(line, "%2hx", &chk);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:                   /* for old (red-book) test sequences: initialization */
+      for (i = 0; i < leng - 2; i += 2) {
+        sscanf(&line[i], "%2hx", tmp);
+        tmp++;
+        smpno++;
+      }
+      /* Check sum for old files ... */
+      sscanf(&line[i], "%2hx", &chk);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  scheck_sum = short_check_sum(bin, smpno);
+  fprintf(stderr, "Check-sum is: %d (calculated) %d (read)\n",
+    scheck_sum, chk);
+  if (chk != scheck_sum) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n Checksum Failed! (%d != %d)\n", chk,
+      scheck_sum);
+    exit(5);
+  }
+  if (invert_even_bits) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "\r  Inverting even bits, as requested\t\t");
+    for (i = 0; i < (tmp - bin) / 2; i++)
+      bin[i] ^= 0x55;
+  }
+  /* SAVE TO FILE */
+  for (i = 0; i < smpno; i += 256) {
+    if (write(out, &bin[i], 512) != 512)
+      KILL(outfil, 6);
+  }
+  /* EXITING */
+  fprintf(stderr, "\rDone: %d samples converted!\n", smpno);
+  fclose(Fi);
+  fclose(Fo);
+#ifndef VMS
+  exit(0);

Repositories maintained by Peter Meerwald, pmeerw@pmeerw.net.