view intercom/gsm/rpeltp.rme @ 3:c6c5a16ce2f2

compilation fixes
author Peter Meerwald <>
date Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:59:25 +0200
parents 13be24d74cd2
line wrap: on
line source

			       U G S T

	     rpeltp.rme - Read me file for RPELTP module

       COPYRIGHT NOTE: This source code, and all of its derivations,
       is subject to the "ITU-T General Public License". Please have
       it  read  in    the  distribution  disk,   or  in  the  ITU-T
       Recommendation G.191 on "SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR SPEECH AND  AUDIO
       CODING STANDARDS". Further copyright notice below.

This is the readme file for the ITU-T STL module rpeltp. This module has 
been based on the implementation done by Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann, 
from the Technische Universitaet Berlin, at the Communications and 
Operating Systems Research Group (KBS). 

The authors have granted the right to use it provided that the copyright 
notices are kept in the files. See file "cpyright" for their copyright 
conditions and statements.

This module comprises several files, described below:

rpeltp.rme	This readme file
changes		report of changes and portability notes for the UGST port,
		in relation with the original distribution.
copyright	Original copyright note from the original authors	Program-making DCL for VAX-C and VMS port of the GNU C compiler
makefile.tcc	Makefile for Borland's tcc     Makefile for MS Visual C Compiler
makefile.djc	Makefile for the MSDOS port of the GNU-C compiler (DJCPP)
makefile.unx	Unix Makefile, adapted from the original distribution
rpedemo.prj	Borland's BC project file (binary!)

add_test.c	Program for testing the correct working of the functions 
		in add.c. Needed only when porting the program to new 
add_test.dta	Input test sequence for add_test.c

rpedemo.c	demo program for the rpeltp module
ugstdemo.h	UGST header with user interface macros and other nice stuf.

The following are the functions that comprise the rpeltp module:
add.c		code.c		config.h	debug.c		decode.c
gsm.h		gsm_crea.c	gsm_deco.c	gsm_dest.c	gsm_enco.c
gsm_expl.c	gsm_impl.c	gsm_opti.c	gsm_prin.c	long_ter.c
lpc.c		preproce.c	private.h	proto.h		rpe.c	
rpeltp.c	rpeltp.h	short_te.c	table.c		unproto.h

all above but rpeltp.c are from the original distribution (after changes to
ensure portability!). This one has been added to provide "driving" functions 
in the UGST style.

File names from the original distribution had to be shortened because of the
DOS limitation for 8 plus 3 letters for file names. See "changes" for a
list of the files with changes (shortened) names.

Note on Testing:
The directory ts has a file named sine.lin, that is a sinewave. Try make with
the proper makefile and run with the target `sine'. Then you should get no 
differences. Please note that this is *not* a thorough validation of the 
coder, because this is done using the 5 test sequences sold by ETSI. Because
they are sold, we cannot distribute them here. But the code has been tested,
and passed, the necessary test sequence in at least: Sun [cc/gcc/acc and 
SunOs 4.3], VAX/VMS [Vax-C3/gcc], HP-UX [gcc], PC [bcc 16 bit/DJC gcc].
Therefore, use sine.lin to test for rough errors. 
NOTE: If you have the test sequences, the makefiles can process them for you, 
if they are named seq01 to seq05.
-- <> -------

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