view ANNOUNCEMENT @ 12:6f5fea21a43c

NxM DCT speedup
author Peter Meerwald <>
date Thu, 01 May 2008 19:12:21 +0200
parents acb6967ee76d
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line source

Watermarking source

version 0.5

This package provides source code for some watermarking algorithms in
portable C code. Currently it includes the following

  watermarking algorithms

    Bruyndonckx [bruyn]
      refer to
        O. Bruyndonckx, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, and Benoit M. Macq.
        Spatial method for copyright labeling of digital images.
        In IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing '95,
        Thessaloniki, Greece, pages 456 - 459, 1995.

      refer to
        Marco Corvi and Gianluca Nicchiotti.
        Wavelet-based image watermarking for copyright protection.
        In Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis SCIA '97, Lappeenranta,
        Finland, June 1997.

      refer to
        Ingemar J. Cox, Joe Kilian, Tom Leighton, and Talal G. Shamoon.
        Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia.
        In Proceedings of the IEEE ICIP '97,
        volume 6, pages 1673 - 1687, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 1997.

      refer to
        Rakesh Dugad, Krishna Ratakonda, and Narendra Ahuja. 
        A new wavelet-based scheme for watermarking images. In Proceedings of 
        the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP '98, 
        Chicago, IL, USA, October 1998. 

    Fridrich (2. scheme)
      refer to
        Jiri Fridrich.
        Combining low-frequency and spread spectrum watermarking. In Proceedings of 
        the SPIE Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation, 
        San Diego, USA, July 1998. 

      refer to
        Eckhard Koch and Jian Zhao.
        Towards robust and hidden image copyright labeling.
        In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Nonlinear
        Signal and Image Processing, pages 452 - 455, Halkidiki, Marmaras,
        Greece, June 1995.

      refer to
        Jong Ryul Kim and Young Shik Moon.
        A robust wavelet-based digital watermark using level-adaptive
        thresholding. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International
        Conference on Image Processing ICIP '99, page 202,
        Kobe, Japan, October 1999.

      refer to
        Deepa Kundur and Dimitrios Hatzinakos.
        Digital watermarking using multiresolution wavelet
        decomposition. In Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP '98, volume 5, pages
        2969-2972, Seattle, WA, USA, May 1998.
        Deepa Kundur and D. Hatzinakos.
        Diversity and attack characterization for improved robust
        watermarking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
        29(10):2383-2396, October 2001.

      refer to
        Houng-Jyh Wang, Po-Chyi Su, and C.-C. Jay Kuo. 
        Wavelet-based digital image watermarking. Optics Express, 3 
        pp. 497, December 1998. 

      refer to
        Xiang-Gen Xia, Charles G. Boncelet, and Gonzalo R. Arce.
        Wavelet transform based watermark for digital images. Optics Express, 3
        pp. 497, December 1998.

      refer to
        Liehua Xie and Gonzalo R. Arce.
        Joint wavelet compression and authentication watermarking. In 
        Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,   
        ICIP '98, Chicago, IL, USA, 1998.

      refer to
       Wenwu Zhu, Zixiang Xiong, and Ya-Qin Zhang. 
       Multiresolution watermarking for images and video: a unified approach. 
       In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 
       ICIP '98, Chicago, IL, USA, October 1998. 

   Piva/Fotopoulos [cast|test-pv,hart,sub]
     contribution by Vassilis Fotopoulos
     refer to

        M.Barni, F. Bartolini, V. Cappellini, A. Piva. A DCT-Domain
        System for Robust Image Watermarking,
        Signal Processing, vol. 66, pp 357 - 372, 1998.

        V. Fotopoulos, A. N. Skodras, A Subband DCT approach to
        image watermarking, X European Signal Processing Conference,
        September 4 - 8, 2000, Tampere, Finland

    many more algorithms to come!
    see what is in stock:

  and utility programs

    cmp_pgm     - compute difference image, PSNR, ...
    cmp_dct     - compute full-frame DCT domain difference image
    cmp_dct8x8  - compute 8x8 block-based DCT difference image
    cmp_dwt     - compute DWT domain difference image

Contact: Comments are welcome!

More algorithms will be added over time, I have implemented about 13
watermarking algorithms in the spatial-, DCT-, and wavelet domain so far.

Please report what problems you have, suggestions, ...

Peter Meerwald

Dept. of Computer Sciences
University of Salzburg
Jakob-Haringer-Str. 2
A-5020 Salzburg

Repositories maintained by Peter Meerwald,