I review quite a bit of manuscripts for various journals.
So far I have encountered several cases of plagiasism and misconduct:
- A clear case of a plagiarised paper which references the original,
but copies a large part of the material without citation. The plagiarised
paper is in indexed in IEEE Xplore. I contacted the author of the original
paper who said to confront the conference chair where the plagiarism was
- A double submission as a manuscript presenting the same results
to two journals (I happened to act as reviewer for both).
- Journal hopping: manuscripts get rejected and (often unaltered)
resubmitted to not-so-prestigious journals. The longest submission run I have
observed spanned three journals (being asked to review for each journal the
same manuscript). This happened several times, I now reject to review unaltered resubmissions.
- There seem to exist shadow journals (in non-English language) which
republish translations of seminal works with new authors. No link at the moment unfortunately.
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